The Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) invites you to the colloquium
"Resource Allocation and Admission Control for Adaptive Multimedia Services"
held by dipl. ing. Krunoslav Ivešić
Colloquium details
Title |
Resource Allocation and Admission Control for Adaptive Multimedia Services |
Speaker |
dipl. ing. Krunoslav Ivešić |
Date |
26. 4. 2013. 14:15 - 15:15 |
Location |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, C9-02 Seminar Room |
More about the speaker and colloquium can be found in the detailed news content.
The increasing use of complex multimedia services requires advanced resource management mechanisms, in particular in wireless network environments. Since multimedia services may contain several media flows, the number and properties of which may vary during an ongoing session, and because user preferences regarding flow importance may also vary, “user” and “service” related knowledge can be used at session initiation to specify alternative service configurations that can be enforced in cases of decreased resource availability. Having applied this knowledge in the context of admission control, by proposing an algorithm allowing for sessions to be admitted with lower quality configurations in cases when there are not enough resources to admit optimal (highest quality) configurations, the session admission probability is increased. Additionally, in case of congestion, sessions with lower priority can be switched to less demanding service configurations, in order to free some resources for the incoming sessions. The proposed model is evaluated using a developed simulator tool named ADAPTISE and using an LTE network simulator tool.
Krunoslav Ivešić received his M.Sc. (dipl. ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, in June 2009. Since September 2009 he has been employed at the same faculty as a research assistant at the Department of Telecommunications, where he works towards his PhD degree. He participated in collaborative resource projects with Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the research project funded by the Ministry of Science Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, entitled “Content delivery and Mobility of Users and Services in New Generation Networks”. Since April 2013, he participates in the EU FP7 project ACROSS. His research interests include resource allocation and admission control for adaptive multimedia services.