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Ma, Yudong; Matuško, Jadranko; Borrelli, Francesco. Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Building HVAC Systems: Complexity and Conservatism. // IEEE transactions on control systems technology, 2014.
Borrmann, Dorit; Nüchter Andreas; Đakulović, Marija; Maurović, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan; Osmanković, Dinko; Velagić, Jasmin. A mobile robot based system for fully automated thermal 3D mapping// Advanced engineering informatics. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Sazdovski, Vasko; Kitanov, Andrej; Petrović, Ivan. Implicit Observation Model for Vision Aided Inertial Navigation of Aerial Vehicles Using Single Camera Vector Observations. // Aerospace science and technology. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Filko, Damir; Kitanov, Andrej; Petrović, Ivan. Place recognition based on matching of planar surfaces and line segments. // International journal of robotics research. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Bayesian Sensor Fusion Methods for Dynamic Object Tracking - A Comparative Study. // Automatika – Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Tolić, D.; Sanfelice, R. G.; Fierro, R. Input-Output Triggered Control using Lp-Stability over Finite Horizons. // International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. (2014), doi: 10.1002/rnc.3203
Sužnjević, Mirko; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Humar, Iztok. User Behavior Detection Based on Statistical Traffic Analysis for Thin Client Services. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer. 276 (2014); 247-256
Sužnjević, Mirko; Saldana, Jose; Matijasevic, Maja; Fernández-Navajas, Juan; Ruiz-Mas, Juan. Analyzing the effect of TCP and server population on massively multiplayer games. International Journal of Computer Games Technology (2014). Article ID 602403, 17 pages
Manzano, Marc; Urena, Manuel; Sužnjević, Mirko; Calle, Emanuel; Hernandez, J.A.; Matijašević, Maja. Dissecting the Protocol and Network Traffic of the OnLive Cloud Gaming Platform // Multimedia Systems. DOI: 10.1007/s00530-014-0370-4 (2014)
Matuško, Jadranko; Ileš, Šandor; Kolonić, Fetah; Lešić, Vinko. Control of 3D Tower Crane based on Tensor Product Transformation with Neural Friction Compensation. // Asian journal of control. 2014. DOI: 10.1002/asjc.986
Ivešić, Krunoslav; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Matijašević, Maja.
Cross-layer QoE-driven Admission Control and Resource Allocation for Adaptive Multimedia Services in LTE. // Journal of network and computer applications. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Dobrijević, Ognjen; Piplica, Domagoj.
Towards Evaluating the Quality of Experience of Remote Patient Monitoring Services: A Study Considering Usability Aspects. // International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Dobrijević, Ognjen; Kassler, Andreas; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Matijašević, Maja.
Q-POINT: QoE-Driven Path Optimization Model for Multimedia Services. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2014) (accepted for publication).
Sović, Ana; Seršić, Damir. Efficient Least Absolute Deviation Adaptive Wavelet Filter Bank. // IEEE transactions on signal processing. 62 (2014) , 14; 3631-3642
Spudić, Vedrana; Conte, Christian; Baotić, Mato; Morari, Manfred. Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control for Wind Farms. // Optimal control applications & methods. (2014)
Jeličić, Vana; Magno, Michele; Brunelli, Davide; Bilas, Vedran; Benini, Luca. Benefits of Wake-up Radio in Energy-Efficient Multimodal Surveillance Wireless Sensor Network. // IEEE Sensors Journal. 14 (2014), 9; pp. 3210-3220.
Bukal, Mario; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Composite distance based approach to von Mises mixture reduction. // Information Fusion. 20 (2014) ; pp. 136-145.
Molnar, Goran; Vučić, Mladen. Bernoulli Low-Pass Filters // IEEE transactions on circuits and systems: II - Express briefs, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 85-89, 2014.
Bottasso, Carlo L.; Campagnolo, Filippo; Petrović, Vlaho. Wind tunnel testing of scaled wind turbine models: Beyond aerodynamics. // Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 127 (2014); 11–28
Kuzle, Igor; Havelka, Juraj; Pandžić, Hrvoje; Capuder, Tomislav. Hands-On Laboratory Course for Future Power System Experts. // IEEE transactions on power systems. (2014).
Bolkovac, Ivan; Horvat, Marko; Jambrošić, Kristian; Domitrović, Hrvoje. The Suitability of Internal Combustion Engine Sounds as Artificial Warning Sounds for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. // PROMET–Traffic & Transportation. 26 (2014); pp. 271-280.
Šegvić, Siniša; Brkić, Karla; Kalafatić, Zoran; Pinz, Axel. Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign detection from a moving vehicle. // Machine Vision and Applications. 25 (2014) , 3; 649-665
Bukal, Mario; Emmrich, Etienne; Jüngel, Ansgar. Entropy stable and entropy-dissipative approximations of a fourth-order quantum diffusion equation. // Numerische Mathematik. 127 (2014) , 2; 365-396
Lenac, Kruno; Kitanov, Andrej; Maurović, Ivan; Đakulović, Marija; Petrović, Ivan. Fast Active SLAM for Accurate and Complete Coverage Mapping of Unknown Environments // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems.
Maurović, Ivan; Đakulović, Marija; Petrović, Ivan. Autonomous Exploration of Large Unknown Indoor Environments for Dense 3D Model Building // The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. IFAC 2014, 10188-10193
Gulin, Marko; Vašak, Mario; Pavlović, Tomislav. Model Identification of a Photovoltaic System for a DC Microgrid Simulation // Proceedings of the 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, PEMC 2014. 501-506
Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Jurić-Kavelj, Srećko; Petrović, Ivan. Detection and tracking of dynamic objects using 3D laser range sensor on a mobile platform // 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Tracking of multiple moving objects on the unit sphere using a multiple-camera system on a mobile robot // The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS). Padua, Italy, 2014.
Bariša, Tin; Bartulović Mihovil; Žužić Goran; Ileš, Šandor; Matuško, Jadranko; Kolonić, Fetah, Nonlinear Predictive Control of a Tower Crane using Reference Shaping Approach. // / Proceedings of the 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, PEMC. 2014. 1041-1045
Slutej, Alojz; Kolonić, Fetah; Matuško, Jadranko; Ileš, Šandor; Matuško, Jadranko, Control of Safety Critical Heavy Industrial Applications. // / Proceedings of the 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, PEMC. 2014. 1144-1148
Ileš, Šandor; Matuško, Jadranko; Kolonić, Fetah. Real-time predictive control of 3D tower crane // Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2014., 2014. 224-230
Sužnjević, Mirko; Bayer, Justus; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Möller, Sebastian; Šorša, Nikola. Towards understanding the relationship between game type and network traffic for cloud gaming // Proceedings of of 1st Int'l Workshop on Cloud Gaming Systems and Networks, in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICME). 2014
Seršić, Damir; Sović, Ana. Noise robust local phase coherence based method for image sharpness assesment // Proceedings Eusipco 2014. Lisbon, Portugal, 2014. 1-5
Markuš, Nenad; Frljak, Miroslav; Pandžić, Igor Sunday; Ahlberg, Jörgen; Forchheimer, Robert.
Fast Localization of Facial Landmark Points. // Third Croatian Computer Vision Workshop (CCVW 2014). Zagreb, Croatia, 2014.
Marković, Ivan; Bukal, Mario; Ćesić, Josip; Petrović Ivan.
Direction-only tracking of moving objects on the unit sphere via probabilistic data association // 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Special Session on Directional Estimation.
Salamanca, Spain, 2014.
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Stojčić, Goran; Wolbank, Thomas M. Control of Induction Machine based on Mathematical Model with Included Anisotropy // Proceedings of the 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, PEMC. 2014. 1002-1007
Prentašić, Pavle; Lončarić, Sven. Weighted Ensemble Based Automatic Detection of Exudates in Fundus Photographs // Proceedings of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014. 138-141
Prentašić, Pavle; Lončarić, Sven. Voting Based Automatic Exudate Detection in Color Fundus Photographs // Proceedings of the 22nd European Signal Processing Conference 2014. 2014
Tolić, Domagoj; Hirche, Sandra. Stabilizing Transmission Intervals and Delays for Linear Time-Varying Control Systems: The Large Delay Case // Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation; Palermo, Italy; June 2014; pp. 686 - 691
Petković, Tomislav; Lončarić, Sven. Modelling Periodic Motion for Background Subtraction in X-Ray Imaging // IFMBE Proceedings Volume 45 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering / Lacković, Igor ; Vasić, Darko (ed.). Dubrovnik, Croatia. Springer, 2014. pp. 252-255
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Stojčić, Goran; Wolbank, Thomas M. Fault-tolerant Control of Wound Rotor Synchronous Generator in Wind Turbines // Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM. 2014. pp. 1752-1758
Petković, Tomislav; Lončarić, Sven. Estimation of Guidewire Inclination Angle for 3D Reconstruction // 5th International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering / Toi, Vo Van ; Lien Phuong, Tran Ha (ed.). Ho Chi Minh City : Vietnam National Universities HCMC, 2014. pp. 147-150
Snajder, Boris; Jelicic, Vana; Bilas, Vedran. Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 Protocols for Image Transmission in WSNs // Proceedings 20th European Wireless 2014. 2014. pp. 530-535.
Marković, Ivan; Chaumette, François; Petrović, Ivan. Moving object detection, tracking and following using an omnidirectional camera on a mobile robot // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014).
Hong Kong, China, 2014. pp. 5630-5635
Petković, Tomislav; Lončarić, Sven. Using Gradient Orientation to Improve Least Squares Line Fitting // Conference on Computer and Robot Vision CRV 2014 / Juan E. Guerrero (ed.). Montréal : IEEE, 2014. pp. 226-231
Jeličić, Vana; Tolić, Domagoj; Bilas, Vedran. Consensus-based Decentralized Resource Sharing between Co-located Wireless Sensor Networks // Proceedings IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) 2014.
2014. 1-6 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Ambruš, Davorin; Vasić, Darko; Bilas, Vedran. Upgrading Metal Detection to Metallic Target Characterization in Humanitarian Demining // Mine Action 2014, 11th International Symposium and Equipment Exhibition / Jakopec, Dražen (ur.)., Zagreb : HCR-CTRO, 2014. pp 123-126.
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Jakopović, Željko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas M. Influence of Wind Turbine Generator Fault-tolerant Control on Power Production Quality // Proceedings of the 7th IET international conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, PEMD 2014.
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Stojčić, Goran; Wolbank, Thomas M. Fault-tolerant Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator in Wind Turbines // Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Association Annual Event, EWEA 2014
Vasić, Darko; Ambruš, Davorin; Bilas, Vedran; Simple linear inversion of soil electromagnetic properties from analytical model of electromagnetic induction sensor // Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, IEEE SAS 2014 / Baglio, Salvatore ; Gurkan, Deniz (ur.), Piscataway: IEEE, 2014. 15-19
Brkić, Karla; Aldoma, Aitor, Vincze, Markus; Šegvić, Siniša; Kalafatić, Zoran. Temporal Ensemble of Shape Functions // Proceedings of the Eurographics 2014 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval / B. Bustos, H. Tabia, J.P. Vandeborre, and R. Veltkamp (eds.). Germany : The Eurographics Association, 2014. 53-61
Horvat, Marko; Jambrošić, Kristian; Domitrović, Hrvoje; Francetić, Juraj; Rychtarikova, Monika; Chmelik, Vojtech. Perception of room size and the ability of self localization in a virtual environment. Loudspeaker experiment // Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014. Krakow : Polish Acoustical Society, 2014. (6 pp.).
Chmelik, Vojtech; Francetić, Juraj; Jambrošić, Kristian; Horvat, Marko; Domitrović, Hrvoje; Rychtarikova, Monika; Glorieux, Christ. Perception of room size and ability of self- localisation in a virtual environment: headphone experiment // Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014 / Borkowski, Bartlomiej (ed.). Krakow : Polish Acoustical Society, 2014. (5 pp.)
Sužnjević, Mirko; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Matijašević, Maja. The Impact of User, System, and Context factors on Gaming QoE a Case Study Involving MMORPGs // Proceedings of the 12th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games.
Lipovac, Igor; Hrkać, Tomislav; Brkić, Karla; Kalafatić, Zoran; Šegvić, Siniša. Experimental Evaluation of Vehicle Detection Based on Background Modelling in Daytime and Night-Time Video // CCVW 2014 Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop / Lončarić, Sven ; Subašić, Marko (eds.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2014. 3-8
Sikirić, Ivan; Brkić, Karla; Horvatin, Ivan; Šegvić, Siniša. Multi-Label Classification of Traffic Scenes // CCVW 2014 Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop / Lončarić, Sven ; Subašić, Marko (eds.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2014. 9-14
Brkić, Karla; Šegvić, Siniša; Kalafatić, Zoran; Aldoma, Aitor; Vincze, Markus. Recognizing 3D Objects from a Limited Number of Views using Temporal Ensembles of Shape Functions // CCVW 2014 Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop / Lončarić, Sven ; Subašić, Marko (eds.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2014. 44-49
Čupić, Marko; Brkić, Karla; Hrkać, Tomislav; Mihajlović, Željka; Kalafatić, Zoran. Automatic recognition of handwritten corrections for multiple-choice exam answer sheets // Proceedings of the 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronic MIPRO 2014, Intelligent Systems (CIS) / Biljanović, Petar (ed.). Rijeka, 2014. pp. 1386-1391
Jović, Alan; Brkić, Karla; Bogunović, Nikola. An overview of free software tools for general data mining // Proceedings of MIPRO 2014 / Biljanović, Petar (eds.). Rijeka : Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2014. 1362-1367
Sikirić, Ivan; Brkić, Karla; Krapac, Josip; Šegvić, Siniša. Image Representations on a Budget: Traffic Scene Classification in a Restricted Bandwidth Scenario // Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). 2014. 845-852
Ileš, Šandor; Matuško, Jadranko; Kolonić, Fetah. Tensor Product Transformation based Control and Sway Angle Observer Design of Rotary Crane // 17th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics – EDPE 2013, October 2–4, 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia / Kolonić, Fetah ; Matuško, Jadranko (ur.). Zagreb : Kiklos d.o.o., 2013. 118-125.
Slutej, Alojz; Kolonić, Fetah; Matuško, Jadranko. Real-‐Time Controller design for harsh environment and safety critical EOT cranes applications // 17th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics ; / Kolonić, Fetah ; Matuško, Jadranko (ur.). Zagreb : Kiklos d.o.o., 2013. 298-303
Markuš, Nenad; Frljak, Miroslav; Pandžić, Igor Sunday; Ahlberg, Jörgen; Forchheimer, Robert.
Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees. // Pattern recognition. (2013)
Vasić, Darko; Bilas, Vedran; Peyton, Anthony. Scaled Experimental Verification of Single-Well Induction Conductivity Measurement Through Nonmagnetic Casing // IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. 62 (2013) , 5; 1199-1206
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas. Fault-tolerant Control of a Wind Turbine with Generator Stator Inter-turn Faults. // Automatika. 54 (2013) , 1; 89-102
Gulin, Marko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko. Dynamical optimal positioning of a photovoltaic panel in all weather conditions. // Applied energy. 108 (2013) ; 429-438
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Wolbank, Thomas; Joksimović, Gojko. Fault-tolerant Control of a Wind Turbine with a Squirrel-cage Induction Generator and Rotor Bar Defects. // Automatika. 54 (2013), 3; 316-328
Marković, Ivan; Jurić-Kavelj, Srećko; Petrović, Ivan. Partial Mutual Information Based Input Variable Selection for Supervised Learning Approaches to Voice Activity Detection. // Applied Soft Computing. 13 (2013) , 11; 4383-4391
Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Ivešić, Krunoslav; Aristomenopoulos, Giorgos; Papavassiliou, Symeon.
Approaches for Utility-Based QoE-Driven Optimization of Network Resource Allocation for Multimedia Services. // Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: From Measurement, Classification, and Anomaly Detection to Quality of Experience, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7754 (2013) ; 337-358
Grgić, Tomislav; Matijašević, Maja. An overview of online charging in 3GPP networks: new ways of utilizing user, network, and service-related information. // International Journal of Network Management. 23 (2013) , 2; 81-100
Molnar, Goran; Vučić, Mladen. Weighted Minimax Design of Sharpened CIC Filters // Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. Dec. 2013. 869-872.
Tolić, Domagoj. Lp-Stability with Respect to Sets Applied Towards Self-Triggered Communication for Single-Integrator Consensus // Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence Italy, December 2013; pp. 3409-3414
Ileš, Šandor; Matuško, Jadranko; Kolonić, Fetah.
Tensor Product Transformation based Control and Sway Angle Observer Design of Rotary Crane // 17th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics – EDPE 2013, October 2–4, 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia / Kolonić, Fetah ; Matuško, Jadranko (ur.).
Zagreb : Kiklos d.o.o., 2013. 118-125
Pavlović, Tomislav; Ban, Željko. An Improvement of Incremental Conductance MPPT Algorithm for PV Systems Based on the Nelder-Mead Optimization // 17th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, EDPE 2013 (CD Proceedings) / Kolonić, Fetah ; Matuško, Jadranko (ur.). Zagreb : KoREMA, 2013. 328-333 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Đakulović, Marija; Sprunk, Christoph; Spinello, Luciano; Petrović, Ivan; Burgard, Wolfram.
Efficient Navigation for Anyshape Holonomic Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments // IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2013. 2644-2649
Marković, Ivan; Portello, Alban; Danès, Patrick; Petrović, Ivan; Argentieri, Sylvain. Active Speaker Localization with Circular Likelihoods and Bootstrap Filtering // Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013), Invited Session on Robot Audition. Tokio, Japan, 2013. 2914-2920
Cvišić, Igor; Petrović, Ivan. Inertial aided sensor platform stabilization for multirotor aerial vehicles // Proceedings of the RAAD 2013 22nd International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region / Portorož, Slovenija (ur.). 72-79 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Cvišić, Igor; Petrović, Ivan. Development and Testing of Small Aerial Vehicles with Redundant Number of Rotors // Proceedings of IEEE Eurocon 2013 / Kuzle, Igor ; Capuder, Tomislav ; Pandžić, Hrvoje (ur.).
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013. 1921-1926 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Ambruš, Davorin; Vasić, Darko; Bilas, Vedran. Active induction balance method for metal detector sensing head utilizing transmitter-bucking and dual current source // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 450 (012047), No. 1 / Bilas, Vedran ; McConnell, Gail ; Kyriacou, Panicos (ur.).
IOP Science, 2013. 1-6
Seršić, Damir; Sović, Ana. A robust separable image denoising based on relative intersection of confidence intervals rule // 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Trieste, Italy, September 2013.
Tolić, Domagoj; Fierro, Rafael. Decentralized Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Systems with Fixed and Switching Topology via Self-Triggered Communication // Proceedings of IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), Washington DC USA, June 2013; pp. 4648-4653
Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Pekala, Miles; Oh, Paul. Stability Control in Aerial Manipulation. // Proceedings of IEEE American Controls Conference (ACC), Washington DC USA, June 2013.
Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan; Korpela, Christopher; Oh, Paul. Lyapunov based Model Reference Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation. // Proceedings of International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta USA, May 2013.
Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan. Omnidirectional Vision based Surveillance with The Spincopter // Proceedings of International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta USA, May 2013.
Bukal, Mario; Maurette, Manuel. Lyapunov functionals for fourth-order lubrication equations // Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI). Buenos Aires, 2013. 133-136.
Molnar, Goran; Glavinić Pecotić, Matija; Vučić, Mladen. Weighted Least-Squares Design of Sharpened CIC Filters // Proceedings of 36th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics. May 2013. 104-108.
Palunko, Ivana; Faust, Aleksandra; Cruz, Patricio; Tapia, Lydia; Fierro, Rafael. A Reinforcement Learning Approach Towards Autonomous Suspended Load Manipulation Using Aerial Robots// Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013; pp: 4881 - 4886
Faust, Aleksandra; Palunko, Ivana; Cruz, Patricio; Fierro, Rafael; Tapia, Lydia. Learning Swing-free Trajectories for UAVs with a Suspended Load// Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013; pp: 4887 - 4894
Caplar Neven; Sužnjević, Mirko; Matijašević, Maja. Analysis of player's in-game performance vs rating: Case study of Heroes of Newerth // FDG 2013 conference proceedings. 2013.
Ambruš, Davorin; Vasić, Darko; Bilas, Vedran. Developing advanced electromagnetic induction methods for landmine detection // Book of papers International symposium "Humanitarian demining" / Zagreb : HCR-CTRO, 2013. pp. 9-13
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas M. Optimal Flux Magnitude Tracking with Application to Fault-tolerant Control of Wind Turbine Generators // Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference. 2013. pp.466-471
Tolić, Domagoj; Fierro, Rafael. Decentralized Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Systems with Fixed and Switching Topology via Self-Triggered Communication // Proceedings of IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), Washington DC USA, June 2013.
Cesarini, Daniel; Jeličić, Vana; Bilas, Vedran; Avvenuti, Marco. From single point of measurement to distributed sensing in long-term glacier monitoring // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 450 012050 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/450/1/012050. Dubrovnik, 2013. 6pg.
Jeličić, Vana; Cesarini, Daniel; Bilas Vedran. Enhancing performance of wireless sensor networks in glacial environments using wake-up receivers // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 450 012045 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/450/1/012045. Dubrovnik, 2013. 6 pg.
Petrović, Vlaho; Campagnolo, Filippo. Experimental validation of wind turbine higher harmonic control using shaft loads measurements // Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference ECC13. Zürich, 2013. 472-477
Jambrošić, Kristian; Domitrović, Hrvoje; Horvat, Marko. Acoustical Design of New Music Facilities of the Music Academy in Zagreb // Tecniacustica 2013, Official publication of Congress. Madrid, 2013. 1381-1390
Ivešić, Krunoslav; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Matijašević, Maja.
Admission Control for Adaptive Multimedia Services Based on User and Service Related Knowledge // Proc. of the 2013 IEEE EUROCON. Zagreb, 2013. 437-455.
Grgić, Tomislav; Matijašević, Maja.
Performance Metrics for Context-Based Charging in 3GPP Online Charging System // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2013. 171-177
Grgić, Tomislav; Matijašević, Maja. "Smarter" Online Charging for Over-The-Top Services by Introducing User Context // Proceedings of 2012 5th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference. Bratislava : IEEE, 2012. 81-87
Domagoj Herceg; Dana Kulić; Ivan Petrović. Learning control for positionally controlled manipulators // Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region / Ljubljana : Jožef Stefan Institute, 2013. 17-24.
Sikirić, Ivan; Brkić, Karla; Šegvić, Siniša. Classifying Traffic Scenes Using The GIST Image Descriptor // CCVW 2013 Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop / Lončarić, Sven ; Šegvić, Siniša (eds.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2013
Brkić, Karla; Rašić, Srđan; Pinz, Axel; Šegvić, Siniša; Kalafatić, Zoran. Combining Spatio-Temporal Appearance Descriptors and Optical Flow for Human Action Recognition in Video Data // CCVW 2013 Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop / Lončarić, Sven ; Šegvić, Siniša (eds.). Zagreb : University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2013
(pi): pooh
Đakulović, Marija; Petrović, Ivan. Complete coverage path planning of mobile robots for humanitarian demining. // INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 39 (2012) , 5; 484-493
Tomić, Mladen; Lončarić, Sven; Seršić, Damir. Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Denoising of Fluoroscopic X-ray Sequences. // Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 7 (2012) , 2; 173-179
Sović, Ana; Damir Seršić. Signal Decomposition Methods for Reducing Drawbacks of the DWT. // Engineering review. 32 (2012), 2; 70-77
Korač, Dragan; Saulig, Nicoletta; Sučić, Viktor; Seršić, Damir. Detecting the Number of Components in a Nonstationary Signal Using the Renyi Eentropy of Its Time-Frequency Distributions. // Engineering review. 32 (2012); 23-31.
Sužnjević, Mirko; Stupar, Ivana; Matijašević, Maja. A model and software architecture for MMORPG traffic generation based on player behavior. // Multimedia systems. 18 (2012) ; 23
Sužnjević, Mirko; Matijašević, Maja. Player Behavior and Traffic Characterization for MMORPGs: A Survey. // Multimedia systems. 18 (2012) ; 22
Dobrijević, Ognjen; Matijašević, Maja. Extending QoS support in the IP multimedia subsystem: Mobility-aware session reconfiguration. // Infocommunications Journal. 4 (2012) , 2; 19-28
Vasić, Darko; Bilas, Vedran. Application of stochastic inversion to casing effect correction in through casing induction logging. // IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. 61 (2012) , 5; 1458-1465
Vasić, Valter; Sužnjević, Mirko; Mikuc, Miljenko; Matijašević, Maja. Scalable software architecture for distributed MMORPG traffic generation based on integration of UrBBaN-Gen and IMUNES. // Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 8 (2012) , 4; 93-101
Ileš, Šandor; Ivančić, Ante; Matuško, Jadranko; Kolonić, Fetah. Mechatronic Design and Control of Rotay Fexible Joint // 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition ; EPE-PEMC 2012. ECCE Europe. 1-6.
Matuško, Jadranko.; Borrelli, Francesco. Scenario-based approach to stochastic linear predictive control // Proceedings of IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 2012. 5194-519
Markuš, Nenad; Frljak, Miroslav; Pandžic, Igor; Ahlberg, Jörgen; Forchheimer, Robert.High-performance face tracking // Proceedings of the ACM 3rd International Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation.
Cupec, Robert; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Filko, Damir; Petrović, Ivan.
Fast Pose Tracking Based on Ranked 3D Planar Patch Correspondences // 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO2012) / Petrović, Ivan ; Korondi Peter (ur.).
Dubrovnik, 2012. 108-113
Borrmann, Dorit; Nüchter, Andreas; Đakulović, Marija; Maurović, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan; Osmanković, Dinko; Velagić, Jasmin. The Project ThermalMapper - Thermal 3D Mapping of Indoor Environments for Saving Energy // 10th IFAC Symposioum on Robotic Control (SYROCO2012). Dubrovnik, 2012. 31-38
Đakulović, Marija; Čikeš, Mijo; Petrović, Ivan. Efficient Interpolated Path Planning of Mobile Robots based on Occupancy Grid Maps // 10th IFAC Symposioum on Robotic Control (SYROCO 2012). Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012.
Petrović, Juraj; Sović, Ana; Cvitanović, Mihita; Pale, Predrag; Seršić, Damir. What do students ask themselves during lectures? // 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2012). Villach, 2012.
Sović, Ana; Potočki, Kristina; Seršić, Damir; Kuspilić, Neven.Wavelet analysis of hydrological signals on an example of the River Sava. // Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2012. 1042-1047.
Jurić-Kavelj, Srećko; Petrović, Ivan. Bias Estimation and Calibration of a Pair of Laser Range Sensors // 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control - SYROCO 2012 / Petrović, Ivan ; Korondi, Peter (Ed.).
The International Federation of Automatic Control.
Vasić, Darko; Bilas, Vedran; Peyton, Anthony. Induction Conductivity Measurement of Surrounding Low-Conductive Medium From Copper Tube — Experimental Verification // IEEE I2MTC 2012, pp. 314-317
Jeličić, Vana; Magno, Michele; Brunelli, Davide; Bilas, Vedran; Benini, Luca. Analytic comparison of wake-up receivers for WSNs and benefits over the wake-on radio scheme. // Proc. 7th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks 2012 pp. 99-106
Molnar, Goran; Vučić, Mladen. FIR Fractional Hilbert Transformers With Raised-Cosine Magnitude Response // Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 2012. 969-972
Butorac, Marko; Vučić, Mladen. FPGA Implementation of Simple Digital Signal Processor // Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 137-140
Brkić, Karla; Pinz, Axel; Kalafatić, Zoran; Šegvić, Siniša. Towards Space-Time Semantics in Two Frames. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Computer Vision - ECCV 2012 Workshops and Demonstrations. 7585 (2012) ; 121-130
Glavinić Pecotić, Matija; Molnar, Goran; Vučić, Mladen. Design of CIC Compensators With SPT Coefficients Based on Interval Analysis // Proceedings of MIPRO 2012 - 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics. 2012. 129-134
Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Bearing-Only Tracking with a Mixture of von Mises Distributions // Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012), Invited Session on Robot Audition. Vila Moura, Portugal : Omnipress, 2012. 707-712
Marković, Ivan; Domitrović, Hrvoje; Petrović, Ivan. Comparison of Statistical Model-Based Voice Activity Detectors for Mobile Robot Speech Applications // Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposioum on Robotic Control (SYROCO2012), Volume 10, Part 1 / Petrovic, Ivan ; Korondi, Peter (ur.). Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012.
Stojčić, Goran; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas M. Detection of Partially Fallen-Out Magnetic Slot Wedges in Inverter Fed AC Machines Under Various Load Conditions // Proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition, ECCE. 2012. 1-6
Stojčić, Goran; Joksimović, Gojko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Wolbank, Thomas M. Increasing Sensitivity of Stator Winding Short Circuit Fault Indicator in Inverter Fed Induction Machines // Proceedings of the 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE- PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe. 2012. DS2a.10-1-DS2a.10-6
Stojčić, Goran; Joksimović, Gojko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Wolbank, Thomas M. Inter Turn Short Circuit Detection at Higher Modulation Indexes Including Six Step Operation // Proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM. 2012. 1-7
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Stojičić, Goran; Perić, Nedjeljko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas. State and Parameter Estimation for Field-oriented Control of Induction Machine Based on Unscented Kalman Filter // Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion. Sorrento, 2012. 409-414
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas. Fault-tolerant Control of a Wind Turbine with a Squirrel-cage Induction Generator and Stator Inter-turn Faults // Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control. Sarajevo, 2012.
Joksimović, Gojko; Riger, Jakša; Wolbank, Thomas M.; Perić, Nedjeljko; Vašak, Mario; Stojčić, Goran; Lešić, Vinko. Dynamic Induction Machine Model Accounting for Stator and Rotor Slotting // Proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM. 2012. 1-6
Kassler, Andreas; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Dobrijević, Ognjen; Matijašević, Maja; Dely, Peter. Towards QoE-driven Multimedia Service Negotiation and Path Optimization with Software Defined Networking // Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. Split, 2012. 5 pages
Sužnjević, Mirko; Matijašević, Maja. Towards Reinterpretation of Interaction Complexity for Load Prediction in Cloud-based MMORPGs // Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Haptic Audio-Visual Evironments and Games. 2012. pp. 148-149
Krpetić, Roko; Oletić, Dinko; Bilas, Vedran. Wireless sensor network for berth supervision in marinas // IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium SAS 2012 / Flammini, Alessandra ; Mandayam, Shreekanth (ed.)
Vasić, Valter; Sužnjević, Mirko; Mikuc, Miljenko; Matijašević, Maja. Improving distributed traffic generation performance by using IMUNES network emulator // Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. Split, 2012. p. 5
Sužnjević, Mirko; Matijašević, Maja; Brozović, Borna. Monitoring and Analysis of Player Behavior in World of Warcraft // Proceedings of MIPRO 2012 Jubilee 35th International Convention. Rijeka : MIPRO, 2012. 709-714
Saldana, Jose; Sužnjević, Mirko; Sequeira, Luis; Fernandez-Navajas, Julian; Matijašević, Maja; Ruiz-Mas, Jose. The Effect of TCP Variants on the Coexistence of MMORPG and Best-Effort Traffic // Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2012 (p.5). USA : IEEE press, 2012. 1-5
Lešić, Vinko; Vašak, Mario; Gulin, Marko; Perić, Nedjeljko; Joksimović, Gojko; Wolbank, Thomas. Field-oriented Control of an Induction Machine with Winding Asymmetries // Proceedings of the 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE- PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe. 2012. LS7b-1.2-1-LS7b-1.2-7
Dobrijević, Ognjen; Švedek, Velimir; Matijašević, Maja. IPv6 Deployment and Transition Plans in Croatia: Evaluation Results and Analysis // Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. Split, 2012. 7 pages
Kuzle, Igor; Klarić, Mario; Pandžić, Hrvoje. Feasibility Assessment of Wind Power Plant with Scarce Local Wind Data Using Cascade-Correlating Algorithm // Strojarstvo. 53 (2011) , 6; 455-462
Korač, Dragan; Saulig, Nicoletta; Sučić, Viktor; Seršić, Damir. Detecting the number of components of multicomponent nonstationary signals using the Rényi entropy of their time-frequency distributions // Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH 2011 / Bratislava, 2011. 304-307.
Stojičić, Goran; Samonig, Matthias; Nussbaumer, Peter; Joksimović, Gojko; Vašak, Mario; Perić, Nedjeljko; Wolbank, Thomas. A method to detect missing magnetic slot wedges in AC machines without disassembling // Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society. 2011. 1698-1703
Sužnjević, Mirko; Stupar, Ivana; Matijašević Maja. MMORPG Player Behavior Model based on Player Action Categories // Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames) 2011. USB Proc. (6 pp.)
ACROSS project has received research funding from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 285939 FP7-REGPOT-2011-1).