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The Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) is an interdepartmental research centre at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. The centre performs research in cooperative systems related to robotics, networked embedded systems and renewable energy systems. Its establishment and operation is funded by the European FP-7 Capacities "Research Potential" program [285939, FP7-REGPOT-2011-1].

Published: 2013-09-13 at 18:58
Edited: 2013-09-19 at 09:08

The Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) organizes 

"1st ACROSS Workshop on Cooperative Cognitive and Robotic Systems". 

The workshop will be held on September 27 (Friday), 2013, starting at 9:00 in Grey Hall at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER).

Technical program contains invited lectures given by renowned international scientists about top research activities in the field of cooperative cognitive and robotic systems and its applications. Research activities of ACROSS members in this field will be presented through the poster session.

The workshop is open for all interested participants, with obligatory prior notification on e-mail across@fer.hr, no later than September 23 (Monday), 2013 until 16:00.


General Chair: 
Prof. Ivan Petrović, UNIZG-FER


Agenda of the workshop is now available in the detailed news content.

Agenda of the Workshop


 9:00 - 9:10

 Opening session: Welcome address, program of the workshop

 Ivan Petrović (UNIZG-FER), General Chair and ACROSS  coordinator 

 9:10 - 9:30

 Ivan Petrović, Stjepan Bogdan, Zoran Kalafatić, Zdenko  Kovačić, Sven Lončarić, Igor S. Pandžić, Damir Seršić,  Siniša  Šegvić

 ACROSS research in cooperative cognitive and robotic systems


 Morning session

 9:30 -  10:00

 Sandra HircheTechnical University of Munich

 Physical Human-Robot Cooperation under Uncertainty

 10:00 -  10:30

 Nikos C. Tsourveloudis, Technical University of Crete

 Cooperative Trajectories for Unmanned Vehicles over 3-D  Terrain

 10:30 -  11:00

 Coffee break and poster session

 11:00 -  11:30

 Markus Vincze, Vienna University of Technology

 HOBBIT – Towards a Robot for Aging Well

 11:30 -  12:00

 Peter Korondi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

 Could an artificial entity have human emotions?

 12:00 -  12:30

 Patrick Danès, University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier & LAAS-  CNRS

 The Robotics, Action and Perception team at LAAS-CNRS

 12:30 -  13:30

 Lunch, continued poster session


 Afternoon session I

 13:30 -  14:00

 Andreas Nüchter, University of Würzburg

 Optimal 3D Point Clouds from Mobile Laser Scanning

 14:00 -  14:30

 Andrew Comport, The National Centre for Scientific  Research,  CNRS

 Super-resolution and high-dynamic range dense RGB-D mapping  and its applications to real-time augmented reality

 14:30 -  14:50

 Robert Cupec, University of Osijek

 Place Recognition Based on Matching of Planar Surfaces and  Line  Segments

 14:50 -  15:20

 Coffee break and poster session


 Afternoon session II

 15:20 -  15:50

 Leon Žlajpah, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana 

 Recent Research Activities in Robotics at Jožef Stefan Institute

 15:50 -  16:10

 Jasmin Velagić, University of Sarajevo

 Reconstructing the 3D Thermal Model of Indoor Environment  and  Feature Detection from 3D Meshes

 16:10 -  16:30

 Bojan Jerbić, University of Zagreb

 Toward New Robotic Paradigms

 16:30 -  16:45

 Closing session: Drawing conclusions of the Workshop.

Mario Bukal
News list

ACROSS project has received research funding from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 285939 FP7-REGPOT-2011-1).


Equipment promotion video

ACROSS brochure is available here.