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The Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) is an interdepartmental research centre at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. The centre performs research in cooperative systems related to robotics, networked embedded systems and renewable energy systems. Its establishment and operation is funded by the European FP-7 Capacities "Research Potential" program [285939, FP7-REGPOT-2011-1].

Published: 2012-10-05 at 10:46
Edited: 2012-11-07 at 10:31
Research seminar "On Voltage...

The following research seminar was held under the auspices of the ACROSS project, IEEE Croatia Power & Energy Chapter and Industry Applications Chapter:


Seminar details
Title On Voltage Collapse Monitoring and Control in Smart Grids
Speaker Prof. Miroslav M. Begović
Date 12.10.2012. 08:00 - 11:00
Location Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Grey Hall


The seminar presented experiences and recent advances in the area of power transmission systems with emphasis on new monitoring and control technologies in smart grids. More about the speaker and seminar you can find in the detailed news content.



Electric utilities are facing an ever increasing pressure to operate the power systems under increasingly harsh circumstances. They are represented by a combination of fast load growth, slowly increasing infrastructure, aging equipment, and more frequent exposure of the control system operators to very improbable and sometimes devastating contingencies. These and other factors have contributed to the growing availability and acceptance of the new generation of monitoring and control technologies to assist the system operators in coping with these new challenges.
A brief overview is presented of the analytical techniques presently used for assessment of accurate (or approximate) tendency of the power systems to undergo voltage collapse. Some of the conventional, as well as advanced and more forward-looking approaches to mitigating such situations are discussed.  The presence of new and modern technologies for power system monitoring, communication, and control imposes on the utilities a logical dilemma. Could new technologies be deployed successfully against voltage collapse?  The answer to that question is economic as much as technical.  The absence of widespread voltage collapse mitigation schemes in the utilities worldwide is the result off misperceived risk that a wide-are blackouts are relatively improbable, and that a very high cost of monitoring and protection systems would rely on the next generation of SCADA-like devices, capable of capturing the system state in real time.
Biography of the author:
Miroslav M. Begovic is a Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and anaffiliated faculty member of the Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems at Georgia Tech. He received a PhD from Virginia Tech and MS and Dipl.Ing., all in electrical engineering, from Belgrade University. His research interests are in the general area of computer applications in power system monitoring, protection and control, and design and analysis of renewable energy sources. Dr. Begovic was a Chair of the Working Group “Wide Area Protection and Emergency Control” and Vice-Chair of the Working Group “Voltage Collapse Mitigation” of the IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee. He authored a section "System Protection" for the monograph "The Electric Power Engineering Handbook", CRC Press LLC, 2000. Dr. Begovic was a contributing member of the IEEE PES PSRC Working Group “Protective Aids to Voltage Stability”, which received the IEEE Working Group Recognition Award in 1997. He is was the Chair of the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Committee of the IEEE PES. Professor Begovic published over 125 publications and completed numerous research projects during his career at Georgia Tech. He chaired the IEEE PES Emerging Technologies Coordinating Committee (2007-2010), Student Activities Subcommittee of the PES PEEC andmember of the IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee where he chaired a number of its working groups. Dr. Begovicis currently theChair of the Electric Energy Group in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, member of the IEEE Smart Grid Task Force,IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer,and President-Electof the IEEE Power and Energy Society. He is also a Fellow of the IEEE and member of Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi.
Vinko Lešić
News list

ACROSS project has received research funding from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 285939 FP7-REGPOT-2011-1).


Equipment promotion video

ACROSS brochure is available here.