The aim of ASSISI_bf is to develop (1) a fundamental new class of distributed ICT systems, which are bio-hybrid collective adaptive systems (CASs) that consist of two sub-systems: One is a self-organising society of animals; the other one is a society of technical devices. These CASs will solve problems by distributed spatial computation; this heterogeneous system (animals, robots, nodes) will perform collective decision-making and maintain internal homeostasis. (2) We plan to develop a fundamental new method to design CASs by exploiting evolutionary computation on mathematical models that are used to drive the engineered part of the CAS. This way the collective of animals and robots will adapt to environmental changes and will maximise its efficiency and stability. (3) We will develop several novel benchmarks, using the level of acceptance of robots by the animal society as a hard-to-reach criterion. (4) Finally, we will derive a general model for heterogeneous CASs, which will be used to develop new algorithms for other heterogeneous robotic CASs.
Stjepan Bogdan is full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (2003-2007 Assistant professor, 2007-2011 Associate professor). He received Ph.D.E.E. in 1999 from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He has been involved as a researcher and as a leading scientist in various projects financed by the government and industry. He published 3 books, more than 30 journal papers and book chapters, and over 120 conference papers. He is serving as associate editor of IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, and International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME). He is a member of several journal editorial boards and served as general chair, program chair and IT facility chair on several conferences. His research interest is in the fields of intelligent systems, discrete event systems, robotics, autonomous systems, multi-agent systems and unmanned aerial vehicles.