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Published: 2014-09-16 at 20:06
Research seminar "Control and...

The Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) invites you to the research seminar

"Control and Interconnection Issues of AC and DC Microgrids"

held by Dr. Rosa Anna Mastromauro, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy.
The seminar will take place on Wednesday, September 10th, 2014, starting at 10:00 in Grand Hotel Park, Dubrovnik.

More about the speaker and the seminar can be found in the detailed news content


In the last years a growing interest toward Microgrids has been registered due to high penetration of Distributed Power Generation Systems (DPGS) with embedded storage. The microgrids can be divided in: AC Microgrids and DC Microgrids. AC Microgrids have experienced a wider spread than DC Microgrids since the actual power system is in AC. Focusing on AC Microgrids, the DPGS converters are traditionally controlled differently in grid-connected mode and stand-alone mode and they are classified as grid-feeding and grid-forming converters. On the contrary a hierarchical control, based on multi-level cascade loops, can allow “universal operation” of the converter and optimal integration into the distribution network. However, trying to foresee the possible future scenarios of the power systems, it can be noticed that DC Microgrids can be even preferable to AC Microgrids in terms of flexibility and redundancy since they are compatible with the achievement of a DC Multibus working at different voltage levels. The Single-Star Bridge Cells Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter topology can be successfully used as bidirectional interface between the DC sources and the main AC grid contributing to the advancement of DC Microgrids.



Rosa A. Mastromauro received the M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Bari, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. The title of her Ph.D dissertation is "Power Converters and Control for Photovoltaic-Based Distributed Power Generation Systems" and it was supervised by Prof. Antonio Dell'Aquila. Since 2005, Rosa Mastromauro has been with the Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives Research Team, Politecnico di Bari, where she is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow and she is engaged in teaching courses in Power Electronics. She has taken part in various research projects funded by companies and ministry. She has supervised more than 30 students in the development of the MSc and BSc theses. Her research interests include power converters and control techniques for distributed power generation systems based on renewable energies. Recently she is dedicated to new high performance power conversion architectures, topologies and advanced control schemes. Rosa A. Mastromauro is author of more than 30 technical papers among journals and international conferences. Dr. Mastromauro is a member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. She is a reviewer for IEEE conference proceedings and journals.



Mario Bukal
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ACROSS project has received research funding from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 285939 FP7-REGPOT-2011-1).


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